To try and reduce stressful elements in your life, watch out for negative thinking and stimulus - either from those around you or from yourself (instead of thinking "No one will help me and I'm so overwhelmed," think "Who can I ask for help, or at least to listen while I unload my thoughts?").
If you feel like there are just too many things you have to do or keep track of, write them all down, and write down how long you think each item will take. If an item on the list is especially complicated, break it down into smaller portions and address each portion individually.
And - here's the best part - whenever you've completed an item on your list, or eliminated a stressful element from your life, reward yourself. Listen to a song you like, have a (heart-healthy) snack, give your cat a big squishy hug, or play a silly game on your smartphone. And then - get back to work!
But above all, remember -