*Cigarette and tobacco smoke *Physical Inactivity
*High blood cholesterol *Overweight or obesity
*High blood pressure *Diabetes
Isn't it great to have so much power?
Though heart disease is one of the major causes of death, and in fact the number one cause of death in women, there are some things you can do to prevent heart disease. We'll discuss more of these later, but our friends at the American Heart Association tell us that you can modify or control six of the main causes (or aggravators) of heart disease:
*Cigarette and tobacco smoke *Physical Inactivity *High blood cholesterol *Overweight or obesity *High blood pressure *Diabetes Isn't it great to have so much power?
![]() Heya friends! Rocky here, and I wanted to share a really great perspective on something that, as you know, is very close to me. Sara Sklaroff from the Washington Post wrote a great article about Diabetes and I wanted to share it with you. Diabetes isn't easy - for people OR puppets. Sometimes it's easy to forget, but Sara shares smart scrutiny* (try saying THAT 3 times fast!) and really lays down the challenges people (and puppets!) with diabetes face. Read it and let me know what you think! Any ideas for ways we can help? Here it is: "Diabetes Affects Millions, Society Should Not Stigmatize Its Victims" And of course, if you missed my "Announcement" or want to learn more, check out our videos! *okay, okay, I *may* have used a thesaurus for that one...shh! Hi everyone! It's Rocky here. I want to thank you all again for the support you've shown me since I got diagnosed with diabetes. Honestly, one of my biggest struggles is that needles and me are not BFFs - not only do they give me the willy wonkas, but they get caught in my feathers and fluff! So I was very curious when my doctor told me that I have an alternative to insulin injections to treat my diabetes - Hi everyone! I was really touched by the outpouring of support I received after I learned I had diabetes - not only here at the workshop, but also from all of you! In fact, one very special friend came forward to tell he that he also has type 1 diabetes! He agreed to let me interview him for our blog. Isn't that nice? Here are the highlights from our interview.
![]() Hi everyone, WebSpider back again! How was your weekend? It's been a hectic few days here at the Workshop...and we will be having a very special guest blogger here this week to share more about that, but more on that later...for now, let's talk about something super important: Prediabetes. Why is it SO important? Well, if you recognize the signs and symptoms of prediabetes, ![]() Hi everyone! I think WebSpider's been doing a wonderful job these past two weeks writing about diabetes, don't you? Well, you may or may not know it, but today is World Diabetes Day! And I thought the best way to celebrate would be to share some more healthy munchings, this time specifically diabetes-friendly ones. Of course, all of my favorite snacks are already diabetes-friendly - like carrots and alfalfa (and alfalfa salsa!!!) - but we also have a number of yummy recipes that Judy Puppets and I like to whip up in the workshop too! Keep reading for some of them... ![]() it's not beavers but it's still pretty cute. Hello fellow webspinners! Yesterday we talked about proper treatment if you have diabetes. But sometimes, even if you're taking the best possible care of yourself, complications may arise. Here are some of them, and how to deal with them when they come up. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar): If you think you have hypoglycemia (symptoms include shakiness, dizziness, hunger, sweating, headache, confusion, jerky movements, mood swings, tingling around the mouth, pale skin color, or seizure), check your glucose levels with your meter and treat it with some form of ![]() Staying healthy doesn't have to be hard work! So far this month we've discussed the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as well as symptoms, risk factors, and prevention. But what do you do when you have diabetes? As always, remain in close consultation with your physician on all diabetes treatment. It is also helpful to have a family member or friend to help you track your diet, activity, and medication. But here are a few ways to deal: WebSpider, back again from the Puppet Treehouse workshop with more information on diabetes. Yesterday we talked about Risk Factors for developing diabetes. If you are at a risk for developing diabetes, what steps can you take to prevent it?
Good news: the best prevention against type 2 diabetes is also the way to a healthy life free of other medical complications! Maintaining a healthy weight through physical activity and a balanced diet are vital steps in preventing type 2 diabetes. Let's break it down ................................................................ |
Our Blog!The adventures here at the Puppet Treehouse - enjoy STORIES, RECIPES, and hints for healthy living! Let us know if you have anything to add, and do "Like" us on Facebook! Archives
May 2012