[Sent back to the workshop from Atlantic City for publication via carrier pidgeon]
Hello everyone! We had a super fun drive up and have only just arrived! Rocky called shotgun, so I sat happily in the back (it's safer for us little ones anyway) and led the car in songs! What are your favorite car songs? I like "I've Got Sixpence," "The Wheels on the Bus," and of course, Baby Puppets's new hit song, "Hooked on Breastfeeding!" Judy Puppets also led us all in singing "On the Boardwalk (in Atlantic City)" in honor of our first destination.
Rocky meanwhile was VERY excited to be on another road trip. I think he really likes to see everything zooming by as we drive along, and he kept hollering out the window every time he saw another bird. Judy Puppets had to keep him from flying out the window himself to say hello! It was so funny! I took some pictures so you could see how funny it was too!
Anyway, I hope you all had a fun happy day like we did! Byyyyyye! [carrier pidgeon reports that Willow waved goodbye at this point]